Friday, October 30, 2009

Enrichment Curriculum For Mathematics and Science - Grade VI


1. Describe the structure and function of the circulatory system
- Film showing on the different functions of the parts of the circulatory system and the ways of caring for our circulatory system
1.1 Describe the circulatory system and its major parts
- Draw the circulatory system and label its parts.
1.2 Explain the function of the circulatory system
- Role-play the functions of the different parts of the circulatory system.
1.3 Illustrate/Demonstrate the movement of the blood throughout the body
2. Describe the common ailments affecting the circulatory system and their symptoms
- List down the common ailments affecting the circulatory system of the people in the community. Put this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
3. Practice desirable habits that help prevent/control common ailments of the circulatory system
3.1 Identify health habits to keep the heart, blood and blood vessels healthy
- List down the desirable habits that help prevent/control common ailments of the circulatory system practiced in your home. Put this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
3.2 Demonstrate the ways of caring for the circulatory system
- Role-play the ways of caring for the circulatory system by group.
4. Describe how the nervous system works
- Film showing on the different functions of the parts of the nervous system and the ways of caring for our nervous system
4.1 Identify the nervous system and its major parts
- Draw the nervous system and label its parts.
4.2 Describe how the nervous system works
- Role play the functions of the different parts of the nervous system
4.3 Practice desirable habits that help prevent and control common ailments of the nervous system
- List down the desirable habits that help prevent and control common ailments of the nervous system practiced in your home. Put this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
5. Describe a healthy person

Group Activity:
Interview your barangay health worker/nurse/midwife about the effect of physical, mental, and emotional state of one’s health and the effects of relationships with family friends and society on mental, emotional and physical well-being. Write down your questions and the responses of your interviewee.

5.1 Discuss the physical, mental, emotional and social needs of a person
- List down all the physical, mental, emotional and social needs of a person you observed in your community which are not taken in class (in table form). Put this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
5.2 Describe the effect of physical, mental, and emotional state of one’s health
- With the help of your parents, interview a healthy person in your neighborhood regarding the effect of physical, mental, and emotional state of one’s health and list down his/her responses.
5.3 Describe the effects of relationships with family friends and society on mental, emotional and physical well-being
- List down all the effects of relationships with family friends and society on mental, emotional and physical well-being which are not taken in class but you have observed in your community. Put this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
5.4 Practice ways of maintaining one’s health such as preventing common ailments, knowing where to seek help, and demonstrating a positive attitude to stay healthy
- List down other ways of maintaining one’s health which are not taken in class but practiced in your neighborhood or community. Put this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.

II. ANIMALS, PLANTS AND ENVIRONMENT (Interrelationship in the Ecosystem)

1. Operationally define an ecosystem

Group Activity:
Visit the biggest pond /fallen or rotten log found in your community. Observe the feeding and other activities of the living organisms found in there. Take pictures of the different living organisms and post you pictures in a framed plane.

1.1 Observe and identify living things and non-living things in a mini-ecosystem e.g. aquarium, fallen log, pond
- List down all the living things and non-living things in your aquarium at home, or in a fallen log in your backyard, or in the pond near your house which are not taken in class. Put this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
1.2 Observe and describe feeding interrelationships among the living organisms
- Construct food chains and food webs of the living organisms which are not taken in class to illustrate their feeding relationships
1.2.1 Construct food chains and food webs to illustrate feeding relationships
1.3 Construct the food nutrient cycle and explain the importance of decomposers in making food nutrients available to plants
- Explain what you have discussed in class about the importance of decomposers in making food nutrients available to plants to your parents or grand parents. Write down their views about it. Put this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
2. Illustrate the interdependence of plants and animals for gasses through the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle

- Make an album of pictures that show oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle. You may get your pictures from old newspapers, books, magazines, etc. Present this to your classmates, friends and family members. Jot down their opinion or comments about your work.
2.1 Construct a diagram of the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle
Explain your constructed diagram of the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle with your family members at home. Write down their comments. Put this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
2.2 Interpret the diagram of the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle
3. Investigate interdependence between living and non-living components in bigger eco-system, e.g. forest, lake, and river

3.1 Explain the importance of the forest
Gather clippings the effects of deforestation from old news papers, old books, old magazines, etc. Paste them in a one whole size framed cartolina and post it in your classroom.
Set a debate in your class/school about the “effects of logging activities.”
3.2 Describe the effects of deforestation
4. Explain that some activities of people disrupt the cycles of an ecosystem, e.g. deforestation, intensive farming, fish culture, inefficient garbage disposal
4.1 Identify some human activities that disrupt the cycle in an ecosystem, e.g. deforestation, intensive farming, fish culture, inefficient garbage disposal
List down other human activities that disrupt the cycle in an ecosystem which you observe in your community that are not taken in class. Put this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
4.2 Infer harmful effects of certain activities on a bigger or more complex system, e.g. pond system
List down other harmful effects of certain activities on a bigger or more complex system, e.g. pond system. Set this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
4.3 Discuss and participate in activities to address the above problems (e.g. adopt-a-river of lake)
5. Predict the effects of over population in a community
Set a debate in your class/school/barangay on the concept that “rapid population growth upsets the ecological balance.” (This can be an avenue for community awareness in your community especially if sponsored with the Barangay Officials and held in the community stage or Barangay Multi-purpose Hall.)
5.1 Infer that shortage of food, water, and space may occur due to a growing population
Visit your Barangay Office and inquire for the current population of the zone/purok/sitio where you presently reside. Set this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
5.2 Infer that land, water and air may become limited and eventually polluted due to over population.

How are garbage and trashes in your community being disposed? List down the ways of garbage disposals in your community. Post your comments on these and set this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
5.3 Infer that overpopulation affects one’s health and that of the community
5.4 Infer that rapid population growth upsets the ecological balance
Gather and list down the views of your neighbors whether they agree or disagree that rapid population growth upsets the ecological balance. Show their responses to your class and together with your own comments, set this as your additional entry in your portfolio in Science.
6. Describe strategies for coping with rapid increase in population
List down the practices done in your community regarding the strategies for coping with rapid increase in population. Add this as another entry in your Science portfolio.

7. Demonstrate commitment and concern in preserving/conserving the balance of life in the ecosystem.
Plant trees in the idle areas in school or along the boundaries of the school site.
7.1 Enumerate ways of preventing/controlling harmful effects of human activities to the environment
List down other ways of preventing/controlling harmful effects of human activities to the environment which should be done in your community. Ask the assistance of your parents about this. Set your responses as additional entry in your Science portfolio.
7.2 Participate in campaigns and activities for the environment
Organize school-based groups or cliques of pupils who are environment-lovers to spearhead in school-based activities that promote caring for the environment. They are to set examples to their schoolmates how to become environment-lovers.
7.3 Infer that a sustained ecological balance ensures the survival of future generations
Interview your grandparents. Ask them what they did when they were young in order to maintain the ecological balance. Why did they do it? How did they do it? Jot down their answers and reflect them in your portfolio.


1. Observe materials and their uses
1.1 Identify common household materials e.g. pesticides, insecticides, soap, paint, solvent, synthetic, and plastic
List down other pesticides, insecticides, soap, paint, solvent, synthetic, and plastic materials which are used at home and in the locality (especially in the workplace of your parents).
Visit farmers in your locality. Interview them about:
the farming materials (pesticides, and insecticides) they are using, the safety measures that they do before, during and after using these materials, their knowledge on the effects of these materials to the environment.
1.2 Describe how the materials are used
Post the procedures at the conspicuous place at home on how to use pesticides, insecticides, soap, paint, solvent, synthetic, and plastic materials which are used at home and in the locality to avoid accidents.
1.3 Explain the importance of reading product labels
1.3.1 Identify warning signs/precautions in product labels
Post warning signs/precautions in product labels
2. Explain that technology improves materials
2.1 Identify materials improved by technology
Gather clippings of materials improved by technology and describe them to your classmates.
2.2 Describe the improvement done by technology on the materials
3. Infer the effects of the materials on other materials and environment
3.1 Identify the condition when the effects of the materials are beneficial
Report to the class any situation in your community/locality that shows beneficial/harmful effects of materials. Reflect it in your portfolio together with your opinion about the incident.
3.2 Identify the condition when the effects of materials are harmful
4. Observe safety precautions in handling, storing and disposing certain materials
List down the practices in your community in handling, storing and disposing certain materials like pesticides, insecticides, soap, paint, solvent, synthetic, and plastic materials which are used at home. Tell whether these practices are beneficial or harmful. Reflect your findings in your portfolio.
5. Investigate the particle nature of matter
1. Make further investigation about the “Brownian movement”.
2. Present the biography of Robert Brown as the proponent of the “Brownian movement.”
3. Reflect your write ups in your portfolio.
5.1 Cite evidences that matter is made up of particles
Record other conditions or evidences (aside from what are taken in class) that matter is made up of particles. Explain it in class.
5.2 Construct a model of solid, liquid and gas to show the structure of matter
Explain to your companions at home your constructed model. Share to them your knowledge behind it. Write down and discuss their queries with your teacher in school.

1. Describe the forms of energy and their uses, i.e. chemical, mechanical, sound, electrical, radiant, and nuclear

Film showing on the good and bad effects of chemical, mechanical, electrical, radiant and sound energies.
1.1 Describe chemical energy and its uses
List down the benefits that chemical energy has caused to man. Discuss your answers with your classmates and schoolmates.
1.2 Describe how mechanical energy is formed and used
List down the benefits that mechanical energy has caused to man. Discuss your answers with your classmates and schoolmates.
1.3 Describe how electrical energy is formed and used
List down the benefits that electrical energy has caused to man. Discuss your answers with your classmates and schoolmates.
1.4 Describe radiant energy and how it is used
List down the benefits that radiant energy has caused to man. Discuss your answers with your classmates and schoolmates.
1.5 Describe nuclear energy and its uses
List down the benefits that nuclear energy has caused to man. Discuss your answers with your classmates and schoolmates.
1.6 Describe sound energy and its uses
List down the benefits that chemical energy has caused to man. Discuss your answers with your classmates and schoolmates.
2. Infer that energy can be transformed

Perform any presentation/experiment in class that shows energy transformation.
2.1 Demonstrate how a form of energy is to be transformed into another form
Perform a simple experiment on energy transformation at home. Observe how energy transformation occurs. Write down your observations in chronological order with your opinion about the concept. Post your responses in your portfolio.
2.2 Cite evidences that energy can be transformed
Enumerate situations you observed in the locality that show energy transformation.
3. Infer that energy can be transferred from one body to another

Film showing on how energy can be transferred
3.1 Observe how energy can be transferred from one body to another
Perform a simple experiment on energy transfer at home. Observe how energy transfer occurs. Write down your observations in chronological order with your opinion about the concept. Post your responses in your portfolio.
3.2 Cite evidences when energy transfer occurs
4. Observe that heat is always produced when energy transformation occurs
5. Describe examples which demonstrate principles of conservation of energy
Demonstrate the “Law of Conservation of Energy” in class.
5.1 Cite evidences that energy is neither created nor destroyed or transformed from one form to another
Cite evidences that energy is neither created nor destroyed or transformed from one form to another
6. Explain the effects of energy transformation to the environment
6.1 Cite evidences that heat produced is transferred to the environment
Draw a model showing evidences that heat produced can be transferred to the environment.
6.2 Demonstrate that heat energy can be transferred
7. Infer that the motion of an object is determined by forces acting on it
Film showing on moving bodies
7.1 State that there are forces acting on an object
What is the average speed of cheetahs in pursuit?
7.1.1 Observe that when forces acting on an object are not balanced, motion takes place in the direction of the greater force, when balanced, there is no motion
7.2 Observe that a body at rest tends to remain at rest and a body in motion tends to be in motion unless an outside force is applied on it
Find out if a basketball and a marble would have the same acceleration when allowed to fall from the same height. Explain your answer. Post your insights in your portfolio.
8. Differentiate speed from velocity
8.1 Measure the speed of an object in motion
2. Describe bodies moving with a constant velocity.
Observe the speed of the tricycle you are riding from home to school and vice versa for 5 days. Record their speed daily. When do tricycles move faster, in the morning or in the afternoon? Support your answer.
8.2 Identify the specific direction of a moving object
8.3 Measure the velocity of a moving object


1. Describe the structure of the earth’s interior
1.1 Identify the layers of the earth
Draw the different layers of the earth and label each part.
Make a model of the earth’s cross section and the cross section of the earth’s crust.
1.2 Describe each layer of the earth
2. Infer how the movement of the earth’s crust causes changes in the environment
2.1 Identify the different crustal plates
Make further investigation of the Pacific plate – its current status and movement. Relate your findings to the frequency of earthquakes in the Pacific area.
2.2 Describe oceanic and continental crust
2.3 Explain how the earth’s crust move
3. Explain how an earthquake occurs
3.1 Describe how an earthquake occurs
3.1.1 Differentiate intensity from the magnitude of an earthquake
1. Interview a seismograph or an earthquake expert. Try to find out more on how earthquakes occur. 2. Conduct the earthquake drill monthly.
3.1.2 Describe how earthquake affects the environment, e.g. tsunami, and change in land features
What is the “Ring of Fire”? How is it related to the frequent occurrence of earthquakes? Find out and share your findings to your classmates, friends and family members at home. Post your responses in your portfolio.
3.1.3 Practice precautionary measures before, during and after an earthquake
3.2 Explain how a volcanic eruption occurs
3.2.1 Describe how a volcano is formed
In a ½ size illustration board, draw how a volcano is formed.

3.2.2 Differentiate between an active and inactive volcano
3.2.3 Describe how a volcano eruption occurs
3.2.4 Name the beneficial/harmful effects of volcanic eruptions
1. Collect newspaper and magazine clippings about the great damage Mt. Pinatubo brought to the province of Pampanga.
2. Share your clippings to your classmates, friends and family members.
3. Post your insights in your portfolio.
1. Make further inquiry about quiet and violent eruptions of volcanoes from encyclopedia, internet and other Science reference books.
2. Make a list of quiet and violent eruptions that happened in the past.
3. Identify the volcanoes and their locations.
4. Do it in a table form.
5. Discuss your findings with your classmates, friends and family members.
6. Post your insights in your portfolio.
3.2.5 Practice precautionary measures before and after a volcanic eruption
Find out the other four Volcanic Danger Zones identified by PHIVOLCS. You may interview a volcanologist in your area or refer to the brochures issues by PHIVOLCS.
4. Describe the factors that affect the climate of a place
4.1 Define climate
1. Ask your parents about the type of weather conditions that prevailed over your place for the last three to six months.
2. Ask them to describe whether it was rainy, cold, sunny, or dry during that particular part of the year.
3. Write down the findings in your notebook.
4. Share and discuss your finding with your classmates, friends and family members.
1. Write/ Send text messages to your friends living on other places or islands.
2. Ask them to describe the weather in their place for a month or more.
4.2 Identify the factors that affect the climate of a place altitude, latitude bodies of water, wind system and amount of waterfall
1. Make a further scrutiny on the climates of the Philippines and Japan. Are the climates of the two countries similar? Why/ Why not?
2. Post your answers in your portfolio.
4.3 Explain how each factor affects the climate of a place
Try to predict what will happen to the earth’s climate without the Coriolis effect.
4.4 Explain how the earth’s rotation affect the wind system
4.4.1 Describe the different wind system
4.5 Observe through a model how the earth revolves around the sun
5. Explain why there are two seasons in the Philippines
5.1 Describe the two seasons of the Philippines
1. List down the beneficial effects of wet and dry seasons in the Philippines
2. How far is our country from the equator? From the North Pole? Knowing the country’s location, what can you infer about its climate?
5.2 Describe the causes of seasons in the Philippines
6. Explain why there are four seasons in other countries
Find out if there are plants, animals, and people living in Antarctica. How do they survive in this continent? Do you think you will like to live there? Why? Post your reflections in your portfolio.
6.1 Describe the four seasons in other countries
6.2 Show through a model the causes of the four seasons in other countries
7. Explain why there are four types of climate in the Philippines
7.1 Explain the major wind systems that affect the climate types in the Philippines . Differentiate each type of climate. Use a science book or encyclopedia or surf the internet for more information.
Find out what mountain ranges protect most parts of Luzon from the chilly winds brought about by the northeast monsoon
7.2 Describe the four types of climate in the Philippines
7.3 Describe the climate type of a particular province using a climate map/rainfall graph

1. Identify instruments and procedures used by astronomers to gather information about stars
1.1 Construct improvised instruments for watching/observing stars
Find out the other space probes sent into the outer space by the USA and the USSR. Collect drawings or photographs of the space probes then compile it into a scrapbook.
1. Get a piece of cardboard and roll it to make a tube about a meter long and two centimeters in diameter. Fasten the ends with tape.
2. Set the tube on a window sill or in any place where you can seethe night sky clearly.
3. Look through the tube opening and focus on a bright star. Fasten the tubes with masking tape to keep it in place.
4. Draw the position of the star as seen through the tube. Observe the star for two hours.
5. Describe its position after two hours.
2. Describe the different characteristics of stars
2.1 Observe the color, size and brightness of stars
Find out the color, size and apparent brightness of Vega, Polaris, and Arcturus. Write your findings in tabular form.
Bright and Dim:
1. Ask a friend to stand at the end of a long hall.
2. Tell your friend to stand on different marked positions that are one, two, three, four, five meters apart from you.
3. Ask your friend to move from one position to another while you hold a big lighted flashlight in a stationary place.
4. Tell your friend to describe the brightness of the light as he/she moves farther from the flashlight.
5. Reflect on the following:
a. At what distance is the light brightest? Dimmest?
b. What factor determines the apparent brightness of light?
c. If the flashlights were to be changed to a penlight, would you get the same result? Why? Why not?
6. Post your answers in your portfolio.
2.2 Identify the kind of stars according to their sizes
2.3 Tell that the stars we see in the sky are actually their apparent brightness
2.4 Describe the relationship between the color and temperature of a star
A. Do a research on the following:
red supergiants
red giants
white dwarfs
B. Reflect the data you gathered in a table form.
Observing Stars
1. Go out on a cloudless night and observe the stars first using your eyes and then using binoculars/telescope.
2. Write your observations with regards to the following questions:
a. What are the colors of the stars that you see?
b. Do all stars have the same size? Why? Why not?
c. Describe the apparent brightness of the stars.
3. Write your observations on sheets of bond papers and post them as additional entry in your portfolio.
2.5 Describe the relationship between the brightness and the distance of star from the earth
2.6 Explain why star distances are measured in light years
2.7 Explain why stars seem to twinkle
2.8 Conclude that stars are distant suns
3. State that a constellation is a group of stars that form a pattern in the sky
Usefulness of Stars:
1. Ask your parents or grandparents how stars are useful to man.
2. Write the answer on your notebook.
3. Discuss your findings in class with your classmates or friends.
Star Gazing:
4. Get a good pair of binoculars. If unable, observe the night sky with your naked eye.
5. Look for group of stars that seem to form patterns in the clear night sky.
6. Draw the star patterns in your notebook. Use a dot to represent a star.
7. Connect the dots with straight lines.
8. Stretch your imagination by sketching the figure formed in each group of stars.
Share your observations and drawings with your classmates and friends.
3.1 Observe constellations in the sky
3.2 Identify common constellations in the sky
3.3 Construct a star map that illustrates common constellations
Find out about nova and supernova. Differentiate between these two terms.
Making a star map:
1. Look for the constellations in the cloudless night sky.
2. Draw these constellations as they are located in the sky on a bond paper.
3. Label each constellation for easy reference.
Post your answer in your portfolio.
3.4 Describe how constellations are useful to people
4. Describe the galaxies
Make further investigation about Edwin Hubble and his observations about galaxies.
Make an inquiry about the other galaxies in the library or in the internet. Jot down some important concepts about other galaxies. Set this as additional entries in your portfolio.
4.1 Name the common galaxies
4.2 State that our solar system is a part of the Milky Way Galaxy
5. Describe the universe
5.1 Identify modern space facilities, tools and equipments used to study the universe
Find out the latest discoveries on the study of galaxies and their relation to the creation of the Earth or the universe as a whole.
Space Gadgets:
1. Visit your Science library. Look for the newest science books and newspapers or you may visit the internet.
2. Find out what modern instruments, tools, and equipment are used by the astronomers and other specially trained persons in their space explorations.
3. List them down in your notebook.
4. Share your findings with your friends and classmates.
5.2 Explain the theories about the universe
Collecting Information on the Origin of the Universe
Research on how the universe came to be.
Take down important notes about the origin of the universe.
Try to interview persons who are interested in the study of astronomy or your science teacher.
Consult the internet and view science programs on televisions to collect more information.
5.3 Enumerate some space probes and their missions
Make further investigations on the different space probes you learned. Get information as their launching, distinct features, accomplished missions, and other significant findings they made.
In a ½ size illustration board, draw the scene of man’s first landing on the moon. Write your opinion about the importance of this event to mankind. Put your ideas as additional entry in your Science portfolio.
5.4 Name some achievements/problems met in space explorations
Find out the detailed structure of a space cabin inside a spacecraft. Write a brief description of it.




1. Comprehends the order of operations on whole numbers
1.1 Follows the correct order of operations (PEMDAS Rule) when solving expressions/equations having more than one operations
1. Game: “Agawan Panyo”
a. Divide the participants of the game into two groups.
b. Call on a volunteer to act as arbiter. He/she stays at the center of the platform and holds the handkerchief. The handkerchief is allowed to dangle in the arbiter’s hand.
c. A member of each group stays at the back portion of the room/hall/classroom and stands at the center of the aisle.
d. The leader/game in-charge (not the arbiter) flashes an equation involving series of operations like (10 – 22) + 8 = ________.
e. The two contestants at the back race in coming forwards to grab the handkerchief from the arbiter. They both solve mentally for the correct answer by applying the PEMDAS.
f. The one who grabs the handkerchief first, get to give his/her answer. If it’s correct, his/her group gets 1 point. If not, the other contestant gets the “steal”.
g. Continue the game for another set of contestants.
h. The group with the highest number of points wins.
1.1.1 Gives the meaning of expression, equation, exponent, and base
Construct a word problem involving base and exponents. Write an equation about the problem and make your statement true.
1.1.2 Evaluates an expression involving exponents
Complete the given pattern. (The pupils will write the numerical value of the series of expressions involving exponents. Ex: 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, …)
1.1.3 Evaluates an expression with two different operations with or without exponents and parentheses
1. Evaluate given expressions.
2. Write a word problem. Make an expression about it. Then evaluate.
1.1.4 Evaluates an expression with more than two operations with or without exponents and parentheses/grouping symbols
1. Evaluate given expressions.
2. Write a word problem. Make an expression about it. Then evaluate.
1.2 Applies the order of operations in solving 2 to 3- step word problems
The pupils will be made to analyze and solve a given word problem using the steps in problem solving.
1.2.1 Writes an equation in solving multi-step word problems
1.2.2 Solves 2 to 3-step word problems involving whole numbers
1.3 Describes answer in a complete sentence with proper units/labels


1. Visualizes ones, tenths, hundredths and thousandths
1.1 Names the decimal for a given model (region/blocks, money, number line)
Make your own model at home like the ones used during the discussion and illustrate decimal expressions. 1.2 Uses different models to show a given decimal (region/blocks, money, number line)

2. Renames fractions whose denominators are powers of ten in decimal form

1. Rename given fractions to decimal forms.
2. Create your own problem and solve.
3. Reads and writes decimals through ten thousandths
3.1 Identifies the value and place value of a digit in a given decimal
1. Form 5 decimal numbers out of digits1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,and 9
2. Write each number in words.
3. Identify the value of each digit in the numbers formed (symbol, value and hundredths.)

3.2 Reads decimals through ten thousandths
3.3 Writes decimals through ten thousandths in different notations – Standard Notation and Expanded Notation
1. Write the given decimals in standard form.
2. Write the given decimals in expanded.

4. Compares and orders decimals through ten thousandths
1. Arrange/write given decimals in order from least to greatest.
2. Compare given decimals using ›, ‹ or =.
5. Rounds decimals through ten thousandths
Round given decimals to tenths, hundredths, thousandths and ten thousandths in table form.


1. Estimates sums and differences of whole numbers and decimals
Solve the answers of given decimals after rounding them off to the nearest tenths.
Analyze and solve word problems involving rounding off numbers and decimals
2. Adds and subtracts whole numbers and decimals
Solve given number sentences involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers and decimals. 3. Adds and subtracts decimals through ten thousandths with or without regrouping (with concrete visual models)
Find the sum and difference of given equations involving decimals with or without regrouping.
4. Adds and subtracts mixed decimals with regrouping
1. Add/subtract mixed decimals with regrouping
2. Supply the missing mixed decimals.
Read, analyze and solve word problems involving mixed decimals with regrouping.
5. Applies the different properties of addition to compute sums mentally
Answer given equations on addition and subtraction of mixed decimals mentally.
Math Quiz Bee:
Group pupils into 3 groups. Each group answers the questions mentally. 5 easy questions, 5 average and 5 difficult questions involving the application of the properties of addition will be asked to the students. Each question in easy round scores 2 points, 3 points each in the average and 5 points in the difficult round. The team who gets the highest total score will win.
5.1 Applies the Commutative Property of Addition
5.2 Applies the Associative Property of Addition
6. Application of addition and subtraction of decimals
6.1 Writes an equation to solve word problems
Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals using the different steps in problem solving.
6.2 Solves 1 to 3-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals including money

6.3 Describes answer in a complete sentence with proper labels/units


1. Estimates products of whole numbers and decimals
Estimate the product of each given equation involving whole numbers and decimal by rounding off to the nearest ones.
Puzzling patterns – Multiplication: Let each pair of pupils find the missing factor/s to complete the puzzle.

1.43 x 2.1

2. Multiplies up to 3-digit factors by 1 to 2-digit factors with and without regrouping and with zero difficulty
Multiply 1 to 3-digit factors by 1 to 2-digit factors of decimals and whole numbers with and without regrouping and with zero difficulty
3. Multiplies hundredths by hundredths
1. Find the products of the given equations and place the decimal point correctly in each product. 2. Solve word problems involving multiplication of decimals up to hundredths place
Card Game:
The pupils will be group into two. The first group will prepare a set of 50 number cards with multiplication sentence of 1 to 2-digit whole numbers and/or decimals up to the hundredths place. The second group will prepare another 50 number cards with multiplication sentence of mixed decimals by mixed decimals with hundredths. Each group appoints a game in-charge. The pupil in-charge of the game place the cards face down in front of the players (on a table or any plane structure). The players must be divided into 2 groups equally. The game in-charge calls one representative from each group to pick one card each. They will put the cards face up on the table and solve for the product on the board or on a sheet of paper. Whoever gets the correct answer gets 1 point for his/her group. The game continues until all the group members have done their turn. The group that garners the most score wins.
4. Multiplies mixed decimals by mixed decimals with hundredths
1. Using 1293 x 315 = 407295, give the product of the following: (a) 12.93 x 31.5, (b) 1.293 x 3.15, (c) 129.3 x 31.5, and (d) 1.293 x 3.15.
2. What is the area of a rectangle with a length of 9.25 cm and a width of 4.65 cm?
5. Multiplies decimals by 10, 100, and 1 000 mentally
Complete the table:
Salmon P37.85 _____________ _______________ ____________


Beef P56.45 _____________ _______________ ____________

Calamares P38.65 _____________ _______________ ____________

Sardines P12.75 _____________ _______________ ____________

6. Multiplies decimals by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001 mentally
Write 5 problem cards with answers written on the back. Example:
0.3 X 0.01 0.003
Let your classmates or friends answer your equations in the card mentally through a contest.
7. Applies the properties of multiplication to compute products mentally
7.1 Applies the Commutative Property of Multiplication
Write 5 examples of each property of multiplication and solve. Show your solution.
7.2 Applies the Associative Property of Multiplication
7.3 Applies the Distributive Property of Multiplication
8. Applications of multiplication of decimals
1. Translate given word problems to number sentences then solve using the different steps in problem solving.
8.1 Writes an equation to solve word problems
8.2 Solves word problems involving multiplication of decimals including money
8.3 Solves 1 to 3-step word problems involving addition, subtraction and multiplication of decimals including money
8.4 Describes the answer in a complete sentence with proper labels/units


1. Estimates quotients of whole numbers and decimals
Estimate the quotients of the following by rounding off (a) 4308 ÷ 61.75, (b) 223.4 ÷ 395, (c) 554 ÷ 25.3, (d) 44.487 ÷ 484, (e) 9897 ÷ 15.4
Role Playing:
The pupils will be given 2 word problems. They will group themselves into 2 (one group to role play each problem).
The activity in-charge asks the following questions after the role-playing activity:
1. What word in the problem denotes estimation?
2. Which problem can easily be estimated by rounding off?
3. What is your estimated quotient for each problem?
2. Divides decimals

2.1 Divides whole numbers (2 to 5-digit dividends) by decimals (1 to 2-digit divisors)
Solve for the following exercises:
(1) 64 ÷ 0.4, (2) 714 ÷ 0.7, (3) 993 ÷ 0.03, (4) 565 ÷ 0.05, and (5) 2460 ÷ 0.06
Make a wheel that looks like this:

3 ÷ 60 = N 12.4 ÷ 200 = N

40 ÷ 245 = N 0.4–12.4) ÷ 3= N

32÷ 0.8 = N 0.8 ÷ 3 = N

1230 ÷ 0.6 = N 160 ÷ 0.32 = N

Game: Spin Wheel
a. Spin a wheel for a pair of contestants.
b. When the wheel stops the pupil solve the operations inside the circle.
c. The pupil who gets the most number of correct answers wins.
2.2 Divides whole numbers by whole numbers with decimal quotients
Find the quotient. Round answers to the nearest:
Tenths Hunderdths
3 ÷ 4 _________ __________
7 ÷ 8 _________ __________
15 ÷ 48 _________ __________
12 ÷ 25 _________ __________
45 ÷ 48 _________ __________

2.2.1 Recognizes and differentiates between terminating, repeating and non-terminating decimal quotients
Solve the following and identify if the decimal quotient is terminating or repeating/non-terminating decimal.
3 ÷ 20 = ____ (_____________)
6 ÷ 11 = ____ (_____________)
20 ÷ 12 = ____(_____________)
2 ÷ 6 = ____ (_____________)
81 ÷ 48 = ____ (____________)
2.3 Divides mixed decimals by whole numbers
a. 39.24 ÷ 9 f. 1.8 ÷ 100
b. 16.5 ÷ 66 g. 6.2 ÷ 400
c. 21.24 ÷ 90 h. 0.45 ÷ 150
d. 426.5 ÷ 25 i. 0.018 ÷ 45
e. 1027.68 ÷ 12 j. 1352.182 ÷ 26
2.4 Divides whole numbers by decimals and mixed decimals
Divide and check through multiplication.
a. 473 ÷ 0.04 d. 264 ÷ 0.06
b. 656 ÷ 0.53 e. 260 ÷ 0.32
c. 872 ÷ 0.8
2.5 Divides mixed decimals by decimals
Solve and check.
a. 73.8 ÷ 3.6 d. 37.24 ÷ 1.4
b. 313.11 ÷ 4.9 e. 35.14 ÷ 2.5
c. 13.52 ÷ 2.6
3. Divides decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 mentally
Complete the table.
÷ 10
÷ 100
÷ 1000










4. Divides decimals by 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 mentally
Make 10 word problems on decimals by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001.
5. Application of division of decimals
5.1 Writes an equation to solve problems
Make 5 word problems involving division of decimals including money. Solve them using the different steps in problem solving.
5.2 Solve word problems involving division of decimals including money
5.3 Solves 2 to 3-step word problems involving division of decimals including money
Solve the following problems. Label your answers.
1. Jun and Richard repaired a broken rattan bed and were paid P1,128.00. If Jun worked for 8.5 hours and Richard for 7.5 hours, how much were they paid per hour?
2. The Barangay Officials of Barangay Mabini received 150 sacks of rice weighing 50 kilogram each. 350 kilograms were distributed to the flood victims for the barangay. The rest were repacked in plastic bags of 2.5 kilograms each to the street children. How many street children received the rice?
5.4 Describes the answer in a complete sentence with proper labels/units


1. Comprehension of number theory and concepts
1.1 Generalizes when a number is divisible by another number (divisibility rule)
Determine the divisibility of the following numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, and 10.
a. 754 d. 27
b. 485 e. 342
c. 350
Make a research on the divisibility rules on 6, 7, 8, 11, and 12. Add this as your entry in your Math portfolio.
1.2 Identifies prime and composite numbers
Find the prime number in:




Find the composite number in:




Play “BINGO”
1. This is played by groups.
2. Each member of the group has one card each.
3. The leader of the group will draw number from the shaker.
4. The members take turns in marking the number on their card.
5. Each member makes a list of 20 numbers drawn by the leader.
6. Each of them finds the factors of the numbers listed.
7. The first member to report to the group correctly the numbers with only two factors (1 and itself)/those with more than 2 factors (depending on what the leader wants) will be the winner.
1.3 Enumerates factors and multiples of given numbers
1.4 Lists the prime factors of given numbers
1.5 Writes the prime factorization of a given number
Write the prime factorization of the following using the factor tree:
a. 30 d. 42
b. 56 e. 72
c. 144
Guessing Game:
Play guessing game by guessing the answer to the following with your classmates or friends or family members at home:
1. I am more than 10 but less than 15, one of my factors is 7. Who am I?
2. I am 25, what are my prime factors?
3. The largest composite number between 10 and 20 is my sister’s age. How old is she?
4. I am more than 25 but less than 35, one of my factors is 5. Who am I?
5. The smallest prime number between 20 and 30 is the date of my birthday. What is my birthdate?
6. I am 36, what are my prime factors?
1.6 Determines the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 2 or more numbers
Do this with your parents.
Read and solve:
1. The GCF of 2 numbers is 43. They are both two-digit numbers. What are the numbers?
2. The leading soft drinks company has two loading machines in its local branch. The two machines started running at the same time. After a few minutes, one machine has loaded 36 cases while the other loaded 48 cases. This is the first time that the two machines finished a loading simultaneously. What is the longest time possible that the machines could have been running?


1. Writes the fraction described (involving regions, sets and number line)
Illustrate/draw the following fractions:
a. 3/8 d. 7/12
b. 6/5 e. 12/5
c. 3 2/3
Game: “Who Am I?”
Materials: flashcards

0/8 8/8

1. Form 4 groups out of the participants.
2. The leader flashes the card.
3. One member of each group simultaneously goes to the board and writes the answer. This goes on until all members have given their answer.
4. The leader processes the answer.
5. The group having the most number of correct answers wins.
2. Renames fractions as decimals and vice versa
Rename the following as fractions or decimals:
a. 5/8 f. 0.001
b. 12 7/20 g. 0.56
c. 44 89/250 h. 50.8
d. 9 19/25 i. 9.025
e. 2 17/500 j. 11.004

3. Forms equivalent fractions
Use the numbers in the box to write equivalent fractions. You can use a number more than once.

8 1 4 14

12 2 3 18

1) 3/12 4) 6/12 7) 1/3
2) 4/12 5) 6/7 8) 8/12
3) 3/8 6) 4/8

9) 6/12 10) 7/9

4. Solves for the missing term in a pair of equivalent fractions

5. Reduces fractions to lowest terms
Write given fractions in lowest terms.
Tapping Game:
1. The leader prepares on flashcards or any writing material with fractions to be changed to lowest terms.
2. The participants of the game will be divided into two groups. The first player for each group stays in front.
3. The first player will be determined by a toss coin.
4. The leader raises a flashcard and the player gives the lowest term of the fraction. If he answers correctly, he taps the next player from his group who will answer next.
5. If the player answers incorrectly, the other group then will play.
6. A correct answer will earn a point for the group. The group that scores more wins.
6. Changes mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa
1. Write given improper fractions as mixed number.
2. Write given mixed number as improper fractions.
Ball Catching Game:
1. The leader fills the board with 3 kinds of fractions – proper, improper, and mixed fractions.
2. He numbers each fraction.
3. He divides his participants/classmates/schoolmates/friends into two groups.
4. The leader throws the ball to one of the participants in a group and calls a number of a fraction on the board.
5. The participant who catches the ball identifies the fraction.
6. The scorer gives a point to each correct answer.
7. The group that has the more number of correct answer wins.
7. Estimates fractions close to 0, ½ or 1
Give 10 examples for each of fractions close to 0, close to ½, and close to 1.
Game: “Where Do I Belong?”
Materials: 3 sets of 10 flashcards with fractions in simple and mixed forms, and 3 cards each having 0, ½, and 1
1. Form 3 teams out of the participants of the game.
2. Assign three participants to hold the cards 0, ½ and 1 who stand in front of the competing teams.
3. The game in-charge distributes the 3 sets of cards to each team.
4. He then asks the members of each team to line up on the post where their fraction belongs.
5. The game in-charge will process the responses. One point for each correct response.
6. The group that has the more number of correct answer wins.
8. Finds the Least Common Denominator (LCD)
Find the LCD of given sets of fractions.
9. Compares fractions and mixed forms using different methods
Game – “Compare Me”
1. Any number of players.
2. The leader puts signs >, < and =" on" 9 =" 0" _____ =" 2" 5 =" 1" _____ =" 5" 12=" 3" _____ =" 1" 15 =" 0">, <, or = to compare them. 3. Orders integers in increasing/decreasing order Arrange given integers in: ascending order descending order



1. Draws different spatial figures

1.1 Visualizes the different spatial figures, cube , rectangular prism, cylinder, sphere, pyramid, cone, etc.

- Construct the spatial figures using illustration board covered with art paper: a blue pyramid a black cone a yellow cube a green rectangular prism a red cylinder a violet sphere 1.2 Describes the different spatial figures Cut out pictures from old newspapers or magazines that are models of spatial figures. Describe each.

1.3 Distinguishes spatial figures from plane figures


1. Tells the surface area of solids Create your own problem for each spatial figure on finding its surface area.

- Provide your own answer of your problems. Using your knowledge about spatial figures and how their surface areas and volume can be computed, construct a model of your dream house using the different spatial figures you learned. Then, compute the 1. total area of all its surfaces including the floor, and 2. volume of the entire construction if turned into a solid structure. Share your insights to your friends and classmates.

2. Tells the units of measures used for measuring the surface area of solids

3. Finds the area formula of the following figures: parallelograms, triangles, trapezoids and circles.

- Create 5 word problems for each of the spatial figures (parallelogram, triangle, trapezoid, and circles). Provide your answers of the problem and put this as your additional entry in your portfolio.

4. Derives a formula for finding the surface area of cubes, prisms, and cylinders

5. Application of Measurement of Surface Area

5.1 Writes an equation or formula to solve for the surface area of solids.

- Write and use the formula or equation in solving for the surface area of: cone, cylinder, sphere, rectangular prism, and cube.

5.2 Solves the word problems involving measurement of surface area

5.2.1 Analyzes the word problem Tells what is asked, what is/are given, the word clue(s), and the operation to be used 5.2.2 Transforms the word problem into a number sentence

5.2.3 Uses the correct operations

5.2.4 State the complete answer


1. Finds the volume of a solid

1.1 Tells the unit of measure used for measuring the volumes of solids

- Give the cubic unit of measure for finding the volume based on the given dimensions solids.

1.2 Converts one cubic units of measure to a larger or smaller unit

Convert the given units of measures to their higher or smaller cubic unit of equivalence as needed.

1.3 Derives a formula for finding the volume of solids like prism, cylinder, pyramid, and cones - Find the missing dimension using the formula of finding the volume of solids like prism, cylinder, pyramid, and cones

2. Application of Measurement of Volume

2.1 Writes an equation or formula to solve for the surface area of solids

2.2 Solves the word problems involving measurement of volume

2.2.1 Analyzes the word problem Tells what is asked, what is/are given, the word clue(s), and the operation to be used 2.2.2 Transforms the word problem into a number sentence 2.2.3 Uses the correct operations 2.2.4 State the complete answer


1. Reads and interprets readings from:

1.1 electric meter

1. Read your electric meter at home.

2. Write the reading of your electric meter.

3. Present it to your classmates together with your old electric bill.

- Interview a meter reader. Ask the following questions:

1. How does he read electric/water meters?

2. How many meters can he read in one whole day?

3. After reading all the meters assigned to him, what does he do?

4. Who computes the consumptions of the consumers? Share your learning to your friends and classmates in school.

1.2 water meter

- Solve word problems involving water consumption after having read and interpreted the water meter reading.

2. Application of meter readings

2.1 Solves word problems involving electric and water consumption

Solve word problems involving electric and water consumption.

2.1.1 Analyzes the word problems Tells what is asked, what is/are given, the word clue(s), and the operation to be used 2.2.2 Transforms the word problem into a number sentence 2.2.3 Uses the correct operations 2.2.4 State the complete answer


1. Converts from one unit to another unit of measurement (prefixes in measurement)

Convert one unit of measure to other units of measure basing on the prefixes in the measurement.


1. Reads/interprets data presented in a circle graph

Using the compass, ruler, crayons, pencil and coupon bond, construct a circle graph of the activities you do for the whole day (24 hours).

2. Reads circle graphs

3. Constructs a circle graph

3.1 Organizes data presented in a line graph


The school head called the teachers to a meeting on September 9, 2009 at 10:30 AM. The agenda for the meeting were the schedule of activities for the month of September and the Proposed Enrichment Curriculum. After the discussion of the schedule of activities for the month of September, the school head distributed the prepared handouts (on Enrichment Curriculum) to the teachers. The school head shared his insights and learning about the concepts of Core Curriculum, Enrichment Curriculum, the Enrichment Triad Model of Joseph Renzulli and Sally Reis (2007), and Assessing the Enrichment Curriculum including the Tyler’s Model and Kellough’s and Kellough’s Curriculum Development Model. Along the discussion, the teachers expressed their queries on what to do and how they will do the enrichment curriculum for their respective classes. The discussion about the enrichment curriculum was really worthwhile. After all the queries were answered, the school head distributed the blank form which he purposefully made for the teachers to facilitate comfort in developing their own enrichment activities. The body agreed to pass their work after a week. The meeting then was adjourned at 11:50AM. II. SECOND MEETING The school head again called the teachers to a meeting to collect their works on September 15, 2009 at 8:30AM. The school head scanned the pages of their works and found out that some of the activities reflected in their work were part of the mastery curriculum. The school head then explained further and gave concrete examples. The school head then conveyed to the teachers that for that week, he needs to get the work of the Grade VI teachers particularly in Science and Mathematics. He shared further that the work of the Grade VI teachers will be submitted for the Module 2 Assignment of the school head. The rest will be used by the school head and the teachers in the school-based implementation of the Enrichment Curriculum. The Grade VI agreed to pass their work on September 18, 2009. The meeting was adjourned at around 9:30 AM. III. WAITING PERIOD In the afternoon of September 15, 2009, the school head was informed that Mrs. Alipao, the teacher who was in-charge to work on the Enrichment Curriculum for Science was called to attend a National Live-in Training in Butuan City on September 16-18, 2009. The school head, aware of the benefits that Mrs. Alipao will get out of the training, informed Mrs. Alipao and sent her to attend the seminar the next day. The school head started to consolidate the work of Mr. Lamoste after he passed his work on September 18, 2009. Unquestionably, the school head waited for the work of Mrs. Alipao until September 19, 2009. The school head started to consolidate her work of on September 20, 2009. IV. THIRD MEETING (September 21, 2009 – Holiday) The school head called again the teachers to a meeting for the third time on Sept. 21, 2009 at 8:00AM. He presented to all the teachers the consolidated work of Mr. Lamoste and Mrs. Alipao and thanked them for showing their commitment to their pupils by painstakingly finished the job besides the many scheduled activities for the past week (Cabadbaran City hosted the Division Press Conference on September 13- 15, 2009 and again hosted the Division STEP Skills Competition on September 16-18, 2009). The school head announced to the body that the final copy of the work of Mr. Lamoste and Mrs. Alipao will be submitted to SEAMEO INNOTECH for final analysis on September 22, 2009. The body agreed to pass the finished works of the other teachers by Wednesday, September 23, 2009 (the schedule of the District Athletic Meet which will be hosted by A. B. Dagani ES).


“If necessity is the mother of invention, then resourcefulness is the father.” Beulah Louise Henry, U.S. inventor. The data resembling the current status of education in Asia is telling the education experts and stakeholders that there is a need for our educational system to be reengineered, reinvented, and redesigned in a way that all its mandates will be suited to the actual needs of our clientele, the school children. At this point, education in Asia is in the phase of its history when everything needs to be maximized – curriculum, instruction, human resources, financial resources, external and internal support, etc. As the school CEOs, the challenge of being the school’s instructional leader, transformational leader and curriculum leader is always howling in our ears and the yoke of our responsibilities is infinite. But since we are in the necessity of changing our education for the better and we are the ones who are in the right position to ameliorate our educational system, then we need to be resourceful, imaginative, and creative in our ways on addressing the many concerns and glitches that affect the holistic development of our final clients, the school children. Indeed, endeavors like enhancing the core curricula are needed. And we take pride that in our own little ways; we take part in the gradual transformation of education to its pinnacle. Our efforts of devising an enrichment curriculum for our school children already serve as a giant leap for this generation of mentors, as our gift to the coming generations. The sweats that ooze in our glands today would be on a par to the fulfillment of our dreams of bringing all the school children, who may happen to come our way, to their fullest potentials in the future and become virtuous and sensible citizens in our society.

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